Blurred Thought

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I've stopped listening to the weatherman a long long time ago. Too bad he was right (so I’ve heard) about the rainstorm that's been going on around here for days on end.

So when I stepped out this morning to see it wasn't too bad I was relieved. I can take the trolley and not have to get stuck with the car only to drive one and a half blocks to teh daycare center. The little president sitting in his trolley and me pushing him down the street like the slave that I am. Things were all fine and usual until I stepped into his classroom or what should be now known as a pool. I didn't know it was a pool day or I would have brought a swimsuit.... The class was completely flooded with water. The manager meeting us half way directed us to another classroom where they will spend the day together with the older kids.

Too bad the little president doesn't like that second class too much. For him of course, it's like I left him at a totally new and strange place. Good thing his teachers are great and comforted him right into the current activity, which was mostly moving things around and settling two times the number of children as the class suppose to.

At least I know he would be cold...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

15 minutes and a bright smile

Time: 6:00am
Place: Bed
Background sound: "I want formula... I want formula... I want formula..."

I gather myself from bed and into the little devil president room, pick him up to our bed, almost falling back to bed myself. Unwillingly I haul myself to the kitchen to prepare his morning bottle. When I come back dragging my sleep deprived body back to the bedroom, I see him sitting straight up smiling, fresh and full of energy. As I hand him the bottle I drop myself back to bed trying to catch a little bit of sleep before it's time to leave. I fall asleep immediately.

A soft touch caress my cheek, I open my eyes to see my son's hand slowly moving along my cheek and side of the head with huge smile on his face, what a wonderful sight. How can you be cranky at that?

And here another routine day starts...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Meme of four

I never like doing all types memes, it's seem artificial in a way. This time I got pushed, or let myself be pushed so here I go....

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1) Bouncer at a heavy metal club
2) Magazine reporter/editor
3) Webmaster
4) IT manager

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1) Bitter moon
2) Braveheart
3) Lord of the rings
4) Big daddy

Four places you have lived:
1) Daly City, California
2) San Francisco, California
3) A "non-existent" military base
4) Ramat Gan, Israel

Four TV shows you love to watch: *
1) Seinfeld
2) The West Wing
3) Law and order
4) Scrubs

Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Turkey
2) Jordan
3) Las Vegas, Nevada
4) Miami, Florida

Four websites you visit daily:
1) Google
2) Flickr
4) and other news sites.

Four of your favorite foods:
1) Eggplant in garlic sauce.
2) Creamed spaghetti with mushrooms.
3) Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes and some more potatoes.
4) Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate and some more Chocolate.

Four places you would rather be right now:
1) The Caribbean
2) San Francisco
3) Amsterdam
4) Out of here!!!

Four albums you can't live without: **
1) Every CD by Enya
2) Oliver Shanti - Well Balanced
3) Vangelis - Voices
4) Queen - Greatest Hits & Classic Queen

* I don't really watch TV, aside from watching the news, I watch about 1-2 hours a week, so all those shows are from a distant past, are they still on the air? (I know Seinfeld is not, I’m not THAT detached)

** There is so much more ...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

And here I go again...

This is becoming a routine - I stop writing for a long while, than come back again thinking this time I will not stop. Every time I come back with full intentions to stay, go through the motions and make writing (of any type) part of my life as it once was. This did not work so far.

So here I am again.

A little update on my previous post. I did not complete the work I started in Nanowrimo 2005, mainly because I caught a pretty bad illness right before my son caught one of his own. I pretty much knew it would be a hard and as it turned out it was impossible at the time.

Well, lets see how this work out again ... :-/