Blurred Thought

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Striding the mini-mall

Yesterday we went to one of those mini-malls to buy shoes for the-president (that’s our boy). At the store the saleswoman measured his feet and proclaimed, “he has wide feet” (like his daddy). They had only two kinds of shoes for his feet structure from the brand we wanted, and only one of them was with shoelaces. We want shoelaces because they hold the feet better. We measured them on his feet and they were a perfect fit. The-president looked down at his feet, tried to move a little and had a hard time walking. Than he decided he didn’t want them (not on his feet anyway) and let the whole store know it. Contrary to his desire we thought the shoes are great. One problem though, the shoes were bright red. Not that we have any problem with red, but still, we think his first shoes should not be bright red. Since the store was out of any other color, we left empty handed. But we left the store walking and he didn’t have it any other way. Holding my hand, the-president walked all the way from the store to the mall entrance. I would have let him continue like he wanted (and let us know about it all the way to the car) if it weren’t so cold (and dirty) outside and him being shoeless.

Monday, November 29, 2004


I was sick during the last several days, I’m still a little, but feeling much better than before. It seems like some kind of virus got into my stomach and refused to leave. I was feeling really bad, and even worse when it continued into the weekend. Being sick during the weekend really sucks. On the other hand staying at home sick gave me a couple of days more to be with my son at home, though I couldn’t play with him the way I wanted, it’s always fun to spend more time with him. I really enjoyed seeing him become an adequate strider. Walking longer and longer distances. Now he can cover our entire apartment without falling or sitting down.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

First steps

WOOOHOOO, my son is walking!!!!

Today was the first time he took several steps on his own. That is, not one or two steps or walking around tables, walls, etc. He walked on his own, no tables, no hands, on his own two feet. I'm so excited!!!! I wasn't there to see it :-(. Now I made my wife promise she will take the camcorder where ever she goes. This is because the great event didn't take place at our home, but at her parents place. He feels very comfortable there, just like over here.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Got milk? Yes, a bad one

I woke up this morning, after finishing the diaper changing, teeth brushing, and the rest of the morning chores, I went to make my not-so-usual morning cup of coffee. I opened the fridge and to my dismay I saw two milk cartons. Both open, both half full. I picked up both, checked the expiration dates only to see they both went past it. One is six days past, the other only two. I throw the older one to the garbage and went ahead to make coffee with the two-days-past-expiration milk. Was great. And the point is? Nothing, just another morning.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Grayish mood

I wasn’t feeling very well in the last few days. I’m not sick or anything just not feeling right. Kind of a grayish mood. I guess it’s one of those times when I look at my daily life and think, this is boring, oh this is so very boring. Waking up in the morning, going to work, come back home (or stop on the way for some grocery shopping (woohoo, how exciting)), play with my son before he goes to bad, eat dinner, sit with the wife, watch some TV and go back to sleep only to do the same thing the day after, and the day after, and the day after… Weekends are kind of all the same too. I remember when things were different. This makes me sound old and grumpy, but it’s not that at all (maybe just a little bit), mainly because I’m not old. Maybe to a five year old, I’m old, and for my one-year-old son, who doesn’t understand the concept of age yet, I’m ancient.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Bad music in my ears

Do you ever get the feeling that you want to hear some specific music but you don’t know what it is? Just want to hear something good, something you heard before, but have no idea what it is, not even which genre. It happened to me several times these last few weeks, the same as now. What the hell do I want to hear? So I ended up putting on my assorted 80’s collection which for some strange reason decided to choose by random the worst songs in that collection. And I’m just sitting here with my headphones on and listening to this crap with no real idea why. Bob Sager – Shame on the moon, Golden Earring – Twilight Zone, why? Why I ask you?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Cellphone scare

I had a total of seven cellphones in a little more than ten years. Most of them were either Nokia or Motorola. All of them were usually pretty simple, nothing special, of course today most of them would be considered antique. The last one I got, a little less than a year ago, was different. I wanted to have Bluetooth that can connect to my PDA, computer and a wireless earpiece. As the search went on, things weren’t becoming very clear. I ended up with the fanciest, most advanced model I found at the time, the Sony-Ericsson Z600, two of them. It was way out of my budget, and as these things go not worth the cost.

So here I am, almost a year later on my way to lunch and the phone rings. I open the clamshell, press the answer button, another ring, press again, “ring”, I look at it as if to scare it and press again. Poooooffffff….. The phone has shutdown (yeah, it’s not powering off, it’s shutting down like a computer). I’m baffled, the battery was almost fully charged. I press the on/off button. Nothing. I decided to go to lunch and deal with it later.

When I came back to the office I tried to wake the phone to life again, but nothing, no response. There was no resort; I knew what I had to do. Before doing anything drastic I took the battery out, and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I tired everything I could think off (including changing SIMM with my work phone) to no avail. I could not believe this is happening. In all my years of owning a cellphone, none of them ever broke down. How depressing.
At the end of the day I went down to the car, showing my wife the useless electronic rock that used to be my cellphone. And than ….Pooooffffffff…. The phone came back to life. No button pressing, no shaking, it’s just turned on as if nothing happened. Needless to say, I was very happy. But how can I trust it now? How can you regain the trust after ones betrayal?

Monday, November 08, 2004

Chronologically adept

If you noticed that some dates are out of sync, this is because I wrote some stuff but didn’t post it, so when I do, I post it under the original time it was written at. But no worry, everything is chronological. No chance of reading something that actually happened after a newly published post. Everything is in order from the moment it’s posted.

While on the subject, did you ever read a series of books but not in the right order? Like reading the third book first, than the forth, after that the second, the first, the fifth and so on? I have a friend who have no problem reading like that, he just reads the books in the order he gets them, if he got the forth in the series first that’s what he is going to read. Personally, I don’t like doing so, it ruins the whole story.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Writing concerns unmasked

Does it show that I’m not used to this kind of writing? Do I reveal my insecurities regarding this? That’s the way I feel. Part of not being used to writing about my own life. Part of not being used to talk about myself. I wonder if it’s ever going to change. I wonder if it really matters.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Breaking news from the laundry room

A new washing machine has landed in the laundry room on Friday, thanks to two heavily muscled dudes. They also picked up the wrack of a machine we had before. Now the stage is clear for some new, clean action. It will probably be days before we can clear the two huge mountains of cloths waiting to be washed.
Well, with this latest model of a machine that has all those sophisticated “programs” and new options it’s gonna be fun doing laundry, not.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Washing machine blues

Our washing machine is officially dead. Well, it's not completely dead but you wouldn't want to wear anything coming out of it now, so practically it's unusable. In order to still wear clean cloths we found the exact spot where we need to stop it and to where exactly we need to fast-forward the "program" so things would escape the torment chamber clean. I suspect it’s not way off from washing machine suicide.

Now we are looking to buy a new machine. Among the contenders are Maytag, Whirlpool, AEG and some others. We’re pretty flexible with what we want to buy, beside a few brands we will not look at. There are not many places to research the subject. So basically we let the salesman talk and every once in a while bug him about models recommended by a different salesman at a different store. It seems like every store is trying to push specific brands and models. For now, we have two favorite models by two different brands (beside the ones we can’t afford). One of the two is on an introductory sale due to end when the warehouse runs out of the first shipment. The salesman claims it will probably last until Friday, but since when do we believe salespeople?