Blurred Thought

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Why did I do that?

A while ago I started taking the bus to work. My office is just across town so the bus ride is short and comfortable. I have less than one minute walk from my home to the bus stop, which is at the end of my block, and I get off right under the building where my office is. I have time to read, think, look around, and all the other things you do while using public transportation.

Yesterday I took the car. Why? Oh why did I do that? First, after almost two months of sunny days it started raining - all the dust on my windshield became dark mud smudged all over it. Second, I got stuck in a traffic jam right in the middle of town, I could have swore there never was one when the bus passed by there. If this wasn’t enough there was no place to park, sure, there is paid parking in the building, but with the amount they charge for a days parking I can take public transportation for a week. So eventually I parked two blocks away and had to go during lunch to shove some more coins into the coin monster.

Why did I take the car than? Well, we had to attend a wedding party that evening. The thought was that by using the car I’d save some time on my way back home. I don’t know how much time I saved but it wasn’t worth the hassle.

The wedding, by the way, was very nice. It took place here in the Sheraton, three blocks from my workplace.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

The beach again

This was quick. We went to the beach yesterday, had loads of fun, so why not go today as well? Actually we thought about that already last night.

So today, learning from yesterday experiences (like true lab rats), we left home earlier and reached the beach at around 4:30pm. This time, it was a lot more crowded than yesterday (as Saturdays expected to be) so we had to go further along to find a comfortable and relatively vacant spot.

Yesterday we reached the beach a little late to catch the really nice hours but today was very hot, actually, too hot. So the lesson for today: Go to the beach at around 5:00-6:00pm - Considering it's going to get even warmer in a few weeks (or less).

After the nice pictures of yesterday, I decided to take the camcorder with me as well. I didn't watch the pictures (or video) I took today yet, (but one (picture) will be here soon).

Friday, May 27, 2005

First time on the beach

Summer is already here and we thought it's time to take the little president to the beach for the first time. He did see the beach before but only from the promenand, now it was time to get down and dirty.

We waited for the extremely hot afternoon hours to pass and got there only at around 7pm. It was still hot but not as we thought it would be. We found a nice spot on the yellow flowing dunes, set the little one beside me and gave him his bucket and tools. It was time for digging, turning, throwing sand (mostly on his own head) and every other fun thing you can do in the largest sandbox on earth. I was playing along and started digging a hole, haaaa, the simplistic fun of it all.

We just sat there enjoying every minute of it. The sun touched the water spreading a breathtaking orange glow, warmish breeze caressed our faces while the waves slowly reaching deeper and deeper into the sand.

I took some really nice pictures. (One will be here shortly)

It was getting dark pretty quickly and the wind was getting cold so we had to leave about an hour after we got there. We should go earlier next time.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Remote open

Ever walked toward your house or office door and pressed the car remote button out of habit? I did, more than once...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

He knows his name

Today my son said his name for the first time. That is, replied to the "What is your name?" question. yeeepeee.....