Blurred Thought

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

15 minutes and a bright smile

Time: 6:00am
Place: Bed
Background sound: "I want formula... I want formula... I want formula..."

I gather myself from bed and into the little devil president room, pick him up to our bed, almost falling back to bed myself. Unwillingly I haul myself to the kitchen to prepare his morning bottle. When I come back dragging my sleep deprived body back to the bedroom, I see him sitting straight up smiling, fresh and full of energy. As I hand him the bottle I drop myself back to bed trying to catch a little bit of sleep before it's time to leave. I fall asleep immediately.

A soft touch caress my cheek, I open my eyes to see my son's hand slowly moving along my cheek and side of the head with huge smile on his face, what a wonderful sight. How can you be cranky at that?

And here another routine day starts...

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