Blurred Thought

Monday, February 28, 2005

Healthy and tired

It was a really hard week. But fortunately my son is getting better. There is no more need for medications. He is happy and energetic as always. What a relief.

Can anyone help me find a magical why to earn back all those lost hours of sleep?

Monday, February 21, 2005

Emergency room

It's funny how life has a habit to ruin your plans. The plans were plain and simple, my son would get better and I'll start to update here more often. So, yesterday started like any other, that is until we felt the little president well being is not only not getting better but getting worse. It was time to see a doctor. We didn't call one home (I don't know why) but went to the clinic instead. 15 minutes later we were on our way to the children hospital emergency room.

I wasn't really prepared to what we were going to see there. The emergency room was jam-packed with people. The two usually comfortable and cozy waiting rooms where full with children, babies and worried parents, people were sitting in the corridors next to the emergency room entrance, there was hardly a place to sit.

It took us almost three hours to see a doctor. Once we got to see one, she was very nice and checked him calmly to make him feel comfortable. The initial tests where not great but not too bad either. We had to take him to do some X-rays and other tests.

More than seven hours later we left the hospital, so tired and mad we just wanted to sleep and scream.

I'm so damn tired. Later.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Eight loads later

After eight loads of laundry it's time for a rest. With that everyone can agree, everyone but the little president aka my son. It started four days ago, he started coughing and acting restless and sure enough we knew he was sick again. The poor thing is having a hard time breathing and a terrible congestion during the night. He wakes up every 20-30 minutes coughing and breathing heavily. For two nights he slept in our bad, last night he was in his own and I hope tonight he will too. No signs of getting better yet. Poor baby.

I've made a promise to myself that no matter how busy my schedule is I'll update on a daily or semi-daily basis. Writing is a skill you have to preserve. If you stop using it, like I did in the past few years, it's hard to get it back.

In case you were wondering about the laundry, I'll update about that tomorrow.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Where my good songs go?

So I'm sitting here, catching up on some blog reading, listening to Winamp shuffle through my favorite 1137 songs (yes, I converted (almost) my entire CD collection to MP3's - hey it beats carrying around 300-400 CDs). For some reason it managed to find the crappiest, most boring and depressing songs on the list, the same ones you DON'T buy a CD for.

Ooh, and the working world DID drag me away.... umm.... I guess I'm still dragged... the next couple of weeks even more than before.... uuugghhh... Well, I got a few babbling mouths to feed. More on that later.