Blurred Thought

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Not a new year resolution

A new year started without any new resolutions. I usually avoid them since many more important things come along the way, by than those resolutions you made when you didn’t know what’s coming become meaningless. Besides, who fully remembers their resolutions comes February? If you do, you probably have much more free time than you suppose to.

One thing I do need to do this year is get our finances in order. Seems like our household accumulated some debt we really need to get over. So, beginning January 1st, 2005 every expense, may it be the tiniest of expenses, is listed and accounted for. Everything is going to be on Quicken. I don’t know for how long it will hold (this is not the first time we are doing this but well…. We’ll see…. Be tough, be aggressive….

But just like when doing a diet, eating less is only half of the solution, you have to exercise as well, which means we don’t only need to cut our expenses but also to bring in more income. As anyone who gone through a diet knows, exercising may be a much tougher job than simply eating less, the same as bringing in more money is harder than just spending less. In any case I do have some ideas. Details sometime in the future.

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